Friday, August 26, 2016

Book bags Bokpåsar

I remember when my grandma used to do the lists for the take-away preschool book bags. She put a lot of thought into them, and wrote the lists neatly up by hand (it was the 80s and she had lovely penmanship-a lost art). I'm sitting here and doing our book bags for the drop-in nursery school in our community (öppen förskola), which is for parents to attend with their babies who are too small for state-run nursery school and often their older siblings (who are not eligible for enrollment in state run nursery while their parent or parent is on ma/paternity leave).

I'm checking out the books on my computer in my office and saying aloud the name of the books and authors like the announcement lady at the Academy Awards. I clearly need to go outside and be social haha.

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